How to redeem CurrencyFair coupon
CurrencyFair has a coupon code for 10 free transactions on signup. The code is within the web address link below. Use the link to activate the code and to receive your first 10 free transactions.
CurrencyFair Coupon Link - 10 Transactions Free
CurrencyFair Coupon on iPhone/Android App
This link also works for iPhone and Android users. Follow the coupon code link, click Menu and then Create Account.

CurrencyFair Coupon on Windows/Mac
Redeem and activate the coupon code by following this link and clicking the Create Account button to sign up for your CurrencyFair Account.

CurrencyFair Coupon Link - 10 Transactions Free
Congratulations! You now get 10 fee free transactions with CurrencyFair Global money transfer service. When you login to the CurrencyFair website and browse to your Profile, you will see that you have free transactions available for you.