How to redeem InstaReM coupon
InstaReM Money Transfer has a coupon code offer worth US$10 (or equivalent) for your first transfer.
Follow the link to sign up for a free account, and use the exclusive code ICOMPARE10 to receive US$10 off your first transfer!
InstaReM Coupon Code Link - US$10 Free Bonus
Enter the following code after you’ve registered for an InstaReM account, when making your first transfer.
Coupon Code: ICOMPARE10
iPhone / Android
This link also works for iPhone and Android users. Follow the coupon code link, Click Register With Us and then Sign Up option. Once you've registered for an account, use the code ICOMPARE10 on the transfer page to receive $10 credit!

Windows / Mac
Redeem and activate the coupon code by following this link and clicking the Create Account button to sign up for your InstaReM Account.
**Note: ICOMPARE10 is a coupon code, not a referral code. You will be able to use the InstaReM coupon when you go to make your first transfer.

InstaReM Coupon Code Link - $10 Total Bonus on Your First Transfer
Congratulations! Your first transaction is now $10 cheaper with InstaReM international money transfer service.