How to redeem OFX coupon
OFX has partnered with iCompareFX to give you 2 Free Transfers on Signup and a super low exchange rate fee of 0.4%! It’s so simple to redeem and activate this promotion. After you sign up and activate your OFX account using the link above, you will have two free deals or transfers available to you. You can see the free deals remaining in Step 2 of the Get Quote wizard in
iPhone / Android
The link below will also work from an iPhone / iPad or an Android smart device. Sign up for an OFX account using the company's mobile website and you will still receive your 2 Free Transfers and the 0.4% deal. Make sure you create your new OFX account through their website first before downloading and using their smartphone app.

Activate the OFX Coupon for 2 Free Transfers and low 0.4% deal now
Windows / Mac
Redeem and activate your OFX promo code by registering for an OFX Account.

Activate the OFX Coupon for 2 Free Transfers and low 0.4% deal ow
Congratulations! You have just received 2 Free Transfers and locked in a low 0.4% exchange rate margin with OFX and!