What TorFX does well
Supported destination countries and currencies - TorFX carries out transfers in over 60 currencies, to more than 120 countries.
Supported registration countries - Sign up as a new customer from Australia, Botswana, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, countries in the European Union, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Mauritius, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom or the United States.
Where TorFX could improve
Multilingual support - As of now, customers can use both TorFX money transfer websites and get customer support only in English.
More local settlement accounts - TorFX currently has local settlement accounts only in the UK and Australia. Customers from outside these countries might incur additional costs when making payments.
- WorldFirst supports over 130+ currencies. Their website supports five unique languages. Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, English, French and Japanese.
- WorldFirst World Account supports 10 currencies. That means your business can have a local banking presence in 27 countries.
- WorldFirst customer support is global and can be contacted by email and phone. Additionally the UK has an online chat facility.
Unfortunately, USA residents are not eligible to create a WorldFirst account. This is a major let down for WorldFirst supported countries. This point has impacted the WorldFirst supported countries iCompareFX score.